Welcome to the Key West Orchid Society
Welcome to the Key West Orchid Society
The KW Garden Club @ West Martello Tower, 1100 Atlantic Blvd. Key West
Speaker: Mark Margolis-"Success with Catasetum's"- see details below
The January meeting will feature Mark Margolis speaking about the orchid tribe known as the Catasetanae which includes Catasetum, Cycnoches, Mormodes, and Clowesia . Come learn how not to be afraid of this fascinating and easy to grow group of orchids.
Mark Margolis, Brooklyn born in 1951. Received my Bachelor of Science at University of Wisconsin. Masters degree at Barry University. Taught Science in Dade County Public schools for over 30 years. Married for 27 years and counting, I have a daughter, Caroline, 21 years old. I was introduced to orchids by Phylis Lerner, who made the famous cross Catasetum Raymond Lerner. And while touring Jones & Scully, fell in love with the Catasetum group. 36 years later I am still in love with the group.
I am a backyard grower in Kendall and I have received over 139 awards for my plants. Still hoping for more.
Mark will share his passion and extensive knowledge of his favorite orchids with us in our next meeting, October 18th.
Monthly Meeting- Speaker: Mark Margolis, Program: Success with Catasetums
Annual Orchid Festival
Click on Festival tab above for details.
Monthly Meeting- Speaker ; Alexis Dominguez, President PanAm OS- Program: Jean Linden, 19th century orchid explorer
Monthly Meeting- Speaker : Serena Roman, Lady Vanda
Program: Cultivation of Vanda orchids
Monthly Meeting- Speaker ; Fred Clarke of Sunset Valley Orchids, Vista, CA.
Program: “Catasetinae Species and their Cultivation” (tentative)
Monthly Meeting & Holiday get together
Speaker & Program: Monthly Meeting- Speaker: Tomas Bajza, The Tarzane Group, Miami, FL. Program: "Giant World of Miniature Orchids & How To Grow Cool In a Hot Climate"
Monthly Meeting- Speaker & Program TBD
Monthly Meeting- Speaker & Program TBD
Annual Orchid Festival
Click on Festival tab above for details.
Monthly Meeting- Speaker & Program TBD
Monthly Meeting- Speaker & Program TBD
Trip to Redland Orchid Show
Our purpose is to enhance the knowledge of orchids and their culture in the unique environment of the Florida Keys.
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